Darn Tough
Darn Tough. Damn Right.
Located in Northfield, Vermont, Darn Tough has a backyard that is the perfect testing ground to make the finest Premium All Weather Performance Socks. Tested for skiing, snowboarding, hiking, biking, and running in the most unforgiving climate in the lower 48.
Darn Tough wants you to feel good about buying their socks: good about the way they feel, good about the way they perform, and good about supporting a company that works out of the state of Vermont.
With Merino Wool from around the globe that holds to the same high standards that Darn Tough hold for themselves. Working closely with their suppliers to ensure that Darn Tough Vermont receives sustainably sourced Merino Wool from sheep that are not exposed to the practice of mulesing.
ALSO! These socks have a LIFETIME Guarantee, so long as you have both and didn't burn them or let your dog eat them.
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